March 18, 2020

Ad-Hoc is the New Normal. Eliminate Dashboards with Augmented AI and Leverage IT Resources to Meet Mission-Critical Challenges.

Saroj Hange
Saroj Hange
Ad-Hoc is the New Normal. Eliminate Dashboards with Augmented AI and Leverage IT Resources to Meet Mission-Critical Challenges.

Let us start by saying that we hope everyone is safe and secure. These are unprecedented times, and we all must make the health and wellbeing of our families our primary concern. We at WhizAI decided to transition to remote operations as of Monday to limit exposure to and transmission of COVID-19, as has much of the world (if not already mandated to do so!).

While businesses will be impacted globally, the life sciences industry faces particularly unique challenges given the repercussions that can and will be felt across populations due to disruptions to the global supply chain and access to and availability of medications.

Some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies have already issued warnings that their businesses could be affected. AstraZeneca, Merck, and Pfizer (reference WSJ) are among those who have said that the epidemic could affect access to certain drugs depending on how long it lasts.  Pharma companies are now preparing for a scenario in which reps can no longer visit providers and patients can’t visit HCPs, payer plans are being upended due to pricing and discounting changes across channels and markets, and providers are changing prescribing patterns in response to current market conditions.

With all of the aforementioned uncertainty, the availability of accurate data is more critical than ever to market access teams as they monitor tens of thousands of plans across insurers and markets, ensuring that product accessibility does not impede product performance.  When adjusting for regional variance, data access becomes even more vital. Ensuring business continuity while in crisis management mode demands the adoption of a superior digital strategy – one which provides timely business insights and on-demand analytics, providing more agility and actionability in real-time.

WhizAI's MarketAcessAI provides the data exploration capabilities you require to simplify the delivery of intelligent insights across market access, key account managers, HQ, and sales reps in real-time.  MarketAccessAI is pre-trained to understand payer, plans, providers, class of trade, and IDNs.  Our platform seamlessly integrates with your data sources and enterprise applications to surface intelligent insights, provide on-demand analytics and identify anomalies across billions of records as they happen.

MarketAcessAI allows for open-ended data interrogation, providing visibility down to the zip code level, and can go live within your environment in as little as 4 weeks. Our platform allows for both browser-based and mobile access, so your teams won’t miss a beat while working remotely.  And users can create their visualizations and drill-downs on the fly, eliminating the back-and-forth with IT teams over creating dashboards and responding to ad-hoc requests.  MarketAcessAI makes everyone on your team more self-sufficient, leveraging natural language access to the insights and visualization that drive strategic and tactical value across your payor ecosystem.

Access intelligent insights and on-demand analytics today!

WhizAI is proud to offer a free 6-month subscription to MarketAcessAI to reduce the burden on remote workers and support the access to and availability of life-saving therapies in these trying times. Free subscription with no future obligation, implementation fees do apply.  Please contact us to hear how you can begin working more efficiently today!

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