Unleash the power of generative AI to uncover anomalies and key drivers and transform your analytics into a story through narratives across all life sciences data sources.

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The ExplAIn Difference

ExplAIn insights stands apart from insights from other augmented analytics platforms because it’s designed for:

Domain Specificity
Life sciences-specific models make the insights ExplAIn generates more relevant and accurate for analysts and business users.
Business Users & Analysts
ExplAIn is so simple that it does not require data science or IT expertise to use.
Analyze massive data volumes in real time to surface patterns, drivers and anomalies.
Video abstract

The ExplAIn Capabilities

ExplAIn offers new capabilities that help users access insights more quickly–and even before they ask.

Automatic Anomaly Detection

ExplAIn uses ML algorithms trained for life sciences to proactively uncover anomalies as it automatically scans data sets.

Personalized proactive alerts powered by AI
Conduct root cause analysis immediately
Period over period analysis

Key Driver Analysis

ML and generative AI enable ExplAIn to determine and expound on key drivers of business performance.

Understand factors that impact outcomes
Add domain knowledge without retraining the model
Compare performance to competitors

Natural Language Narratives

ExplAIn provides a natural language explanation around visualizations, highlighting key findings and providing a practical way to provide insights to users.

Narratives complement visualizations
Color coding highlights key findings
Prepackaged with default LLM or with optional GPT support

AI-Powered Analytics Generates Insights on Demand

Your team needs data analytics insights for peak performance and the best outcomes. ExplAIn enables business users and analysts to make data-driven decisions without the time and complexity of manual analyses.

F. Ellipse

Boost Your Business with the Benefits of ExplAIn

Avoid missed opportunities with real-time insights.
Uncover true insights at scale and reduce human bias.
Automate reporting for accurate, consistent data insights.
Decrease dependence on IT with true self-service analytics.
Lower analytics TCO than with legacy processes.
Improve organizational decision-making by making analytics pervasive.