April 2, 2020

Your Work Moved to Microsoft Teams; Why Shouldn’t Your Analytics?

Saroj Hange
Saroj Hange
Your Work Moved to Microsoft Teams; Why Shouldn’t Your Analytics?

Welcome to the new normal- one where working from home is a norm, “Zooming” is akin to Googling, and buying just uppers is the fashion. Our working environment and the dynamics of collaboration changed overnight in this crisis, but our work applications are still struggling to keep pace with the new normal. Gartner recently said in this article – “This is a wake-up call for organizations that have placed too much focus on daily operational needs at the expense of investing in digital business and long-term resilience.” One big phenomenon in these times has been remote work and virtual communication with teammates. No wonder, Microsoft Teams doubled its user base to 44 million in just four months compared to only 50% growth in all of the last year. How many of you are spending hours here on video calls and exchanging work texts all day? Microsoft Teams has become a default application for employees, especially in large and mid-sized companies.

Although, such collaboration platforms make communication easier, what about the data and insights you need in everyday jobs?

As most pharmaceutical companies are working remotely, they are preparing for a scenario in which reps can no longer visit providers, payer plans are being upended due to pricing and discounting changes across channels and markets, and providers are changing prescribing patterns in response to current market conditions. Not to mention R&D teams are expediting drug discovery to fight the pandemic while working remotely. While a digital solution like Microsoft teams has gained popularity for voice & video calling, chat messaging and secure document collaborations, business users are still dependent on IT and data experts for real-time insights. This is where we help with our AI solution which is pre-trained on pharmaceutical data.

  • WhizAI can readily be accessed in Microsoft Teams to get real-time business insights and on-demand analytics to bring agility to your daily workflows.
  • Our pre-trained AI solution for pharmaceuticals simplifies and streamlines access to intelligent insights across billions of data points at the speed of thought.
  • This allows all business users to stay on top of their market in real-time and take corrective actions before it is too late. In these times, you must act quickly, leveraging intelligence rather than instincts.
  • You don’t need to burden your overloaded IT colleagues and data experts with questions as our AI answers them in real-time through natural language in Microsoft Teams [also available in our web and mobile app].

We are proud to offer a free 6-month subscription to our clients working on Covid-19 related solutions.  Please contact us to hear how you can begin working more efficiently today!

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