November 7, 2023

Gartner® Market Guide 2023 for Augmented Analytics Focuses on the Impact of Generative AI and Domain-Specificity

Gartner® Market Guide 2023 for Augmented Analytics Focuses on the Impact of Generative AI and Domain-Specificity

WhizAI is recognized among representative vendors in augmented analytics but stands apart as the only platform developed for life sciences in Gartner’s Market Guide for Augmented Analytics 2023. Augmented analytics is emphasized as a collaboration enabler driven by generative AI, but Gartner also highlights the importance of contextual insights within domain-specific workflows. WhizAI excels in this regard, offering pre-trained life sciences data and combining generative AI with domain expertise to provide contextual, reliable insights. The future of augmented analytics points to increased adoption and a shift towards data stories. WhizAI aligns with these trends, making data analytics more accessible for life sciences teams.

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